Courses of Ayurvedic massage



+39 329 4575727

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Via R. Leoncavallo 19 Milano


Via Strada comunale delle Corti, 56 Treviso


+39 329 45 75 727

Via R. Leoncavallo 19 Milano


Via Strada comunale delle Corti, 56 Treviso


+39 329 45 75 727

AnimAyurvedica by Arcangelo Di Salvatore
Operator and Teacher of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Massage, Tantra Yoni Massage, Meditation, Mindfulness, Laughter Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Gentle Gymnastics, Spiritual Assistant in Palliative Care

VAT 01255350256


Our Courses

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Amateur and professional courses in Ayurvedic massage, meditation, yoga in Milan



Courses for enthusiasts and wellness professionals: beauticians, physiotherapists, osteopaths, hairdressers, holistic operators

@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience

@ All Right Reserved 2024 - Website created by Flazio Experience

Professional Training Master in Ayurvedic Massage for Beauticians, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths 

Intensive Basic Course in Tridoshic Ayurvedic Massage. 

During the course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda, the Indian "Science of Life," applicable in everyday life. You will learn a massage technique suitable for all psycho-physical constitutions, which you can put into practice immediately, providing perceptible benefits to the people you love and care about.

Course dedicated to wellness professionals who wish to learn Ayurvedic massage to expand services to clients. The following Ayurvedic massages will be taught: tridoshic, decontracting for the vata dosha, anti-stress for the pitta dosha, draining for the kapha dosha, reflexology of the face, scalp, hands, and feet with marma points.

Duration: 8 hours + 3-hour refresh


Duration: 5 meetings of 8 hours each + 4-hour refresh


Professional Training Master in Ayurvedic Massage for Hairdressers and Barbers 

Ayurvedic Self-Massage Course for Your DIY Well-being

Massage course for hairdressers and barbers, hair stylists, professionals and hair beauty consultants in Milan: refresher courses for hairdressers. The Kesabhyangam course, Ayurvedic massage for head, scalp, and hair with the AnimAyurvedica method for those who wish to include an effective treatment in the offer of quality services and treatments for clients.

Ayurvedic self-massage course, to learn a treatment that makes you completely independent, to be practiced practically anywhere. If done with love towards your own body, it is very effective and beneficial, both physically and mentally and also on the emotional level. Simple movements to experience an immediate feeling of well-being and an improvement in relaxation, muscle relaxation, circulation, and system functionality.

Duration: 5 hours


Duration: 5 meetings of 8 hours each + 4-hour refresh


Ayurvedic massage course for dogs, cats, and pets

Ayurvedic massage course for couple's well-being

Ayurveda massage course dedicated to couples. Do you wish to rediscover harmony and understanding as a couple? Discover the AnimAyurvedica massage course specific for all couples where there is love and a desire for connection! Spend a pleasant evening in Milan, in total relaxation as a couple. A different way to spend a pleasant evening. You will learn the most effective Ayurvedic massage techniques, discover new ways to pamper each other, and provide wellness to the whole body.

Ayurvedic massage course for dogs and cats with the AnimAyurvedica method. Discover how to provide well-being to pets with massage: tone, relax, relieve the pains of your dog or cat with a simple yet very effective and pleasant massage. It involves gentle, light, and relaxing techniques aimed at strengthening the relationship with the animal with cuddles and sweetness.

Duration: 5 hours


Duration: 3 hours


Ayurvedic Massage Course for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Ayurvedic Massage Course for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The basic Ayurvedic massage course is designed to provide blind and visually impaired participants with the fundamental skills to become holistic Ayurvedic masseurs. The goal is to enable students to acquire the necessary skills to start a professional career in the holistic sector, promoting autonomy and independence in the workplace.

The basic Ayurvedic massage course is designed to provide blind and visually impaired participants with the fundamental skills to become holistic Ayurvedic masseurs. The goal is to enable students to acquire the necessary skills to start a professional career in the holistic sector, promoting autonomy and independence in the workplace.

Duration: 16 hours


Duration: 16 hours



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Courses of Ayurvedic massage

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